
B Complex vs. B12: Which Is Best?

With all of the vitamin supplements available these days, it can be tough to know what to choose when you’re standing in the pharmacy aisle. One concern that lots of people who are looking to get a vitamin B supplement have is whether it’s better to opt for a B complex or a vitamin B12 supplement.

If you’ve been wondering about the differences between these two choices and aren’t sure what suits your needs best, our IV therapy team at Vital Flow Infusions is here to help.

Understanding B Vitamins and Their Function

Before delving into which option may be more suitable, it helps to understand what B vitamins are and the functions they play in the body.

There are eight B vitamins, each of which has a specific function; folate, for example, can help with fetal development and prevent congenital disabilities, while B12 (cobalamin) can help combat cardiovascular disease.

Altogether, the eight are water-soluble vitamins that help to convert food into energy, but they’re also vital for maintaining healthy eyes, skin, hair, and even the proper function of the nervous system and brain.

What Is a Vitamin B Complex?

A vitamin B complex contains all eight B vitamins in one convenient pill. The exact components of a particular complex can vary depending on the manufacturer, but there will likely be varying amounts of each vitamin. A vitamin B complex can help combat feelings of fatigue and work to improve mood as well as cognitive function.

Generally, vitamin B complexes are safe for everyone, but they may cause nausea and diarrhea in some people. Pregnant women also need to speak with their doctors to ensure a vitamin B complex is the right option; despite the benefits of something like folate, some B vitamins can be harmful in high doses to fetal development, which means a B complex can prove dangerous.

What Is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, cobalamin, is unique because you can’t find it in plants, only in animal products like dairy, meat, and fish. The body needs just a small amount of cobalamin, but it plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, namely the production of red blood cells.

Deficiencies in cobalamin can lead to anemia, which itself can cause shortness of breath and fatigue. The vitamin is also vital for the proper function of the nervous system, as it protects the myelin sheath that covers nerve cells while also helping to produce neurotransmitters that regulate mood.

Deciding Between a B Vitamin Complex and Vitamin B12

Both individual B vitamin supplements and vitamin B complexes offer important benefits, but one may be better for your needs than the other.

A B complex may sound like a good catch-all option, but it’s important to remember that you may not need the same amount of each vitamin. If you’d like to grow stronger nails, for example, you’d want to have a good amount of biotin (B7), but you may not need as much folate; the opposite is true for a pregnant woman.

If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, on the other hand, you may not have any problem getting any of your B vitamins except for one — vitamin B12 — as it’s not present in any plant-based foods. In that case, a vitamin B12 supplement or injection is a better option.

Ultimately, knowing which option is best for you depends on what your goals are and what your overall health necessitates. For a broader option that covers all bases, go for a B complex, but if you know you’re lacking in vitamin B12, go for a single-vitamin dosage instead.

How We Can Help in Sioux Falls

At Vital Flow Infusions, we offer vitamin injections as well as IV hydration options; we even provide a mobile IV therapy service that comes to you so that you don’t have to worry about traveling to another location if you’re not feeling your very best.

IV drip therapy allows you to get the nutrients you need quickly and without having to depend on the digestive system, as the vitamins are delivered directly into your bloodstream for fast absorption.

Even if you don’t have time for a full IV therapy session, you can get a quick boost of vitamins with our injections. We offer a wide selection of vitamins to choose from so that you can get exactly what your body needs to function at its best. We’re here to help, so reach out to us today to book an appointment with us in Sioux Falls.

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