
NAD+ Therapy

What is NAD+

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in all living cells and is an essential component of chemical reactions that occur in nearly all of our cells. These reactions are responsible for regulating every process in our body. NAD+ is a key building block for a healthy body and promotes the optimal functioning of the brain, internal organs, and musculoskeletal system.

As we age, our NAD+ levels decline significantly. Scientific studies have shown that by the time one reaches middle age, their body no longer produces enough NAD+ to meet their biological needs. Replenishing the body’s NAD+ via IV Therapy has been scientifically shown to help restore NAD+ to optimal levels.


Why is it Important?

NAD+ rapidly repairs and optimizes cells throughout the body and influences gene expression relating to cell death (aka signs of aging). Additionally, NAD+ promotes anti-inflammatory processes and DNA repair.
Do You Suffer From:
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Food, Alcohol, and Nicotine Cravings
  • Chronic Pain
  • Migraines
  • Decline in Athletic Performance


IV NAD+ Therapy Help?

  • Increase energy and reduce general fatigue
  • Improve mental cognition
  • Improve mood and feelings of anxiety
  • Reduce Cravings
  • Improve collagen production
  • Improve skin complexion and texture
  • Anti-aging
  • Decrease pain
  • Decrease in migraines and intensity
  • Improve athletic recovery and performance
  • Improve metabolic function
  • Repair and regenerate neurons
  • Repair cellular DNA damage
  • Increase mitochondrial production
  • Metabolize toxins




250mg NAD+IV Infusion
(Includes additional fluids, B-Complex vitamins, and glutathione)
100mg NAD+ Injection
200mg NAD+IV Infusion

Take Home Vial

You can get a vial with twenty 100mg doses prescribed for at-home treatment. You will get all syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, and bandages, as well as instructions for safe treatment.
Vial plus syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, bandages, vial adapter, and a sharps container for $900 (regular price of $1,200)
Price of $45 an injection (regular price of $60)

Tru Niagen Pro (500mg)

Tru Niagen® Pro is a daily supplement in the form of a capsule that contains nicotinamide riboside, often referred to as ‘NR’, a unique form of vitamin B3 (Niacin) that is a direct precursor to NAD+. NR is able to cross into the mitochondria and is clinically proven to safely boost NAD+ after prolonged use.

$135 for a 60-day supply

Ten Week


For optimal results, we recommend a ten-week program that starts with a loading phase consisting of two in-office NAD+ IVs for two weeks in a row. This is followed by eight weeks of five injections a week of 100mg of NAD+ or three injections of 200mg of NAD+. You have the option of receiving the 200mg NAD+ injections in-office or a take-home vial of NAD+ and supplies to administer them yourself. For take-home injections, we will walk you through how to administer the injections safely.
This ten-week program will provide optimal NAD+ levels with a recommended twelve-week pause of NAD+ treatments before starting another ten-week program. While you can continue treatments without a twelve-week pause, it’s not required to maintain optimal NAD+ levels. After twelve weeks, we recommend another ten-week program.
We also recommend daily supplements of Tru Niagen (nicotinamide riboside, a precursor to NAD+) to help maintain NAD+ levels during and after the ten-week program.
100mg Ten-Week Program
Four NAD+ IVs for the first two weeks
Five 100mg a week self-administered injections for eight weeks
$2,250 (30% discount off retail)
200mg Ten-Week Program
Four NAD+ IVs for the first two weeks
Three 200mg a week self-administered or in-office injections for eight weeks
$2,600 (30% discount off retail)
Tru Niagen Pro (500mg)

60 day supply
$135 optional and not included in the price of the 10-week program


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during a NAD IV treatment?

During a NAD IV treatment, expect a comfortable and rejuvenating session that begins with the administration of B-vitamins, followed by the NAD+ treatment. The entire process typically lasts about 2 to 2.5 hours, during which you can relax, read, or listen to music. You may feel a slight pressure at the IV site and a warming sensation as the treatment is administered, but overall, it’s a soothing experience.

Is NAD right for me?

NAD+ therapy is ideal for individuals seeking to improve their overall wellness, especially those experiencing fatigue, mental fog, or signs of aging. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to enhance their energy levels, cognitive function, and cellular health. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if NAD+ therapy is suitable for your specific health needs and lifestyle.

Is NAD safe?

Yes, NAD+ therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated. It’s a natural compound found in every cell of your body and plays a vital role in energy production and cellular repair. Side effects are rare and usually mild, but as with any treatment, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss your health history and ensure NAD+ therapy is appropriate for you.

How long do NAD IV treatments take?

NAD IV treatments typically take around 2 to 2.5 hours to complete. This duration allows for a steady and effective infusion of NAD+ into your system, ensuring maximum absorption and benefit. During this time, you can relax and enjoy a comfortable setting while the therapy works to rejuvenate your body at a cellular level.

How often can I get an NAD treatment?

The frequency of NAD treatments varies depending on individual health goals and needs. Commonly, treatments are initially recommended once a week for a series of weeks, followed by monthly maintenance sessions. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to tailor the frequency to your specific health requirements and objectives for optimal results.

How can I expect to feel after a NAD IV drip?

After a NAD IV drip, you can generally expect to feel rejuvenated and energized. Many report an increase in mental clarity, improved mood, and enhanced physical energy. Some might experience a sense of relaxation or calmness. It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it’s common to feel more significant benefits after a series of treatments.

Is there any downtime or recovery after a NAD drip?

There is usually no downtime or recovery needed after a NAD drip, especially because the B-vitamins administered prior to the NAD IV drip help negate potential side effects. These vitamins not only enhance the effectiveness of the treatment but also aid in minimizing reactions like fatigue or light-headedness. Most individuals can return to their daily activities immediately, and any mild side effects typically resolve swiftly.

How is IV NAD better than an oral NAD supplement?

IV NAD therapy is often considered more effective than oral NAD supplements due to its direct delivery into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This direct infusion ensures higher bioavailability, meaning more NAD+ reaches your cells where it’s needed. IV therapy provides a rapid and significant increase in NAD levels, resulting in more immediate and noticeable effects compared to oral supplements, which may have reduced absorption and effectiveness due to breakdown in the digestive tract.

NAD Consultation

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Lasting Results

Clients report increased energy, greater mental clarity, and better metabolic functioning following only 2- 4 NAD+...

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