
Post-Superbowl Recovery With IV Hydration Therapy

Super Bowl Sunday is a big day for watch parties and tailgating, and this can lead to serious hangovers come Monday. Hangovers often make you feel irritable as you battle headaches and nausea, and they could even prevent you from going to work or participating in your regular life.

It’s crucial to know that dealing with a hangover doesn’t have to be a given, even after Super Bowl Sunday. By turning to IV hydration therapies, you can help yourself through the day after the Super Bowl, known as National Football Hangover Day.

How Too Much Alcohol Dehydrates You

Alcohol is a diuretic. It leads your body to use your renal system — which consists of your kidneys, liver, and bladder — to remove fluids from your blood at a fast rate.

When your liver enzymes process alcohol, they convert it into acetaldehyde, which is toxic at high levels. Alcohol also suppresses how much vasopressin your body makes, which is another factor that causes dehydration. Vasopressin is an antidiuretic hormone that makes your body retain water, limiting how much urine the kidneys produce.

Your body then removes waste products from alcohol consumption in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, mainly through the lungs. Because water flushes out much more rapidly than alcohol, this leads to dehydration as well as high blood alcohol levels.

Effects of Dehydration on Your Body

Dehydration occurs when your body loses so much fluid it can’t function normally. This condition can severely impact your physical and cognitive functions.

Your body uses water to perform several specialized operations, including flushing out waste, protecting organs, and carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells. When you don’t have enough water in your system, it can affect your sodium and electrolyte levels, potentially causing your blood pressure to drop significantly.

Mild dehydration can lead you to have trouble regulating temperature and heart rate. More severe dehydration may cause confusion and weakness.

When you’re dehydrated, the brain and other tissues in the body contract. When your brain does this, it pulls away from the skull and puts pressure on nerves, leading to headaches. In some people, it also causes migraines.

Water gives your brain energy to function and perform memory and thought processes. You also need water for the production of neurotransmitters and hormones. The brain can’t store water, however, and you’re constantly losing water through sweating. That’s why adding alcohol into the mix can lead to imbalances that affect mood and health.

Why IV Drip Therapy Helps

After a night of partying and drinking, the best way to get rid of those hangover symptoms is to rehydrate. Most people think that drinking a lot of water or chugging sports drinks is enough, but getting what you need in this fashion takes a long time.

The water has to go through your digestive system, and absorption tends to be less than perfect. Tissues in the throat and throughout the digestive tract absorb a lot of the water without allowing it to reach other areas. To hydrate your whole body, you would have to drink a substantial amount of water.

That’s not the case with IV therapy. With this type of treatment, you get the fluids you need via intravenous means. Fluids travel your entire bloodstream, getting them to where they’re most needed.

Losing fluids means more than losing water. You also lose electrolytes, and drinking water doesn’t replace these. IV drip therapy can, however.

Drinking a lot of water all at once is not always easy on your digestive system. When you drink more fluids than your body can process, it has difficulty getting rid of the excess volume. The process can also flush out essential nutrients. Because IV therapy doesn’t rely on your digestive system, the process creates less waste.

Turning to IV drip therapy allows you to get faster results, too. When dealing with painful hangover symptoms, this is essential.

Mobile IV Therapy in Sioux Falls

If you’re struggling with dehydration, whether caused by excessive alcohol consumption or other issues, one of the best ways you can fight back is by reaching out to the team at Vital Flow Infusions. We offer several IV therapies that can help you by providing the exact nutrients you need.

One of the best things about our services is that you don’t even have to leave your home if you don’t feel like it. When you contact us, we can schedule an appointment at your home, office, or any other location you prefer. Why struggle with dehydration? Call us now for an appointment.

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