
Improve Digestion: 6 Vitamins That Can Help

Your digestive system is responsible for processing the foods you eat every day. When it becomes backed up or irritated, your skin, mental health, immunity, and weight can all suffer. Luckily, there’s a simple, natural way to improve your digestion: vitamins.

Certain vitamins boost your digestive health and relieve symptoms of poor digestion. Here are the vitamins you need to enjoy better gut health and metabolism.

1. Vitamin C

You’re probably familiar with some of the benefits vitamin C provides to your immune system. When it comes to digestion, vitamin C offers even more advantages.

Your digestive tract is full of bacteria that help break down and absorb the foods you eat. When these bacteria become unbalanced and “bad” types take over, it can take a toll on your digestion.

Poor gut health can come with symptoms such as:

  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Gassiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Poor mental health

Vitamin C offers a solution to these problems. This all-important vitamin improves gut health through its natural anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help rebalance different gut bacteria populations.

Your digestive tract might need some extra TLC from vitamin C. Experience better digestion by increasing your vitamin C intake.

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has several properties that improve your health and overall well-being. From mental health support to nervous system protection, this vitamin is highly versatile. One surprising thing B12 can improve over time is your digestion.

B12 facilitates communication between your brain and digestive tract. When you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, your gut and brain can’t signal to each other properly, resulting in brain fog, fatigue, poor digestion, and other unpleasant symptoms.

B12 is incredibly important for the gut-brain axis, which helps determine your mood and long-term physical health. By increasing your vitamin B12 levels, you can enjoy better mental and gastrointestinal functions.

3. B-Complex Vitamins

Vitamin B12 is a distinct B vitamin that improves your all-around health, but there are others as well. B-complex vitamins play an important role in metabolizing the foods you eat. Without enough, your digestive health is likely to suffer.

Many of our vitamin injections contain B-complex vitamins, complete with vitamins B1 through B12. These vitamins help break down carbohydrates, fats, and other compounds in food, which means you can absorb and utilize more of the nutrients you consume.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D performs several important jobs in the body. Among other things, your digestive system relies on it to work properly. Along with its immunity and mood benefits, vitamin D is a key player in digestive health.

Your brain sends important signals to your digestive tract that prompt the transport and processing of food. Without vitamin D, your brain can’t effectively send these signals. That’s because they’re sent using calcium, which must work together with vitamin D to move throughout the body.

Without enough vitamin D, your digestion may become slow, ineffective, or uncomfortable, leading to bloating, constipation, and other digestive health problems. It’s a good idea to increase your vitamin D levels, especially during the wintertime and in areas that don’t get much sunlight.

5. Glutathione

While glutathione is technically an antioxidant, its function in your digestive tract cannot be overstated. Glutathione has multiple advantages for strengthening and improving your digestive health, particularly in your gut.

The detoxification properties of this antioxidant can help protect your digestive health and slow signs of aging. Antioxidants neutralize destructive compounds called free radicals, which damage healthy cells and tissues. As you age, free radicals start to take over — if you don’t get enough antioxidants, you’ll see and feel the effects.

Glutathione aids in detoxifying your body and repairing important tissues. It also helps your liver properly detox your system, which can enhance your gut health. If you have damaged tissues in your digestive tract, glutathione will help repair them to promote efficient digestion.

6. Zinc

Zinc helps strengthen your intestinal lining, which can help prevent leaky gut syndrome. This condition causes bad bacteria and inflammatory proteins to be absorbed into your system, leading to a variety of autoimmune and digestive health symptoms.

Getting a sufficient amount of zinc will ensure that your intestinal linings remain strong and uncompromised. As a bonus, zinc also positively affects bone density, nerve function, and wound healing.

Get Premium IV Hydration With Vitamins in Sioux Falls

At Vital Flow Infusions, we take IV therapy seriously, incorporating beneficial vitamins into each of our IV drip therapy formulas. We offer several vitamin injections and IV drip therapy blends designed to boost health and improve digestion. Book your mobile IV therapy appointment with us today to get back to feeling like your best self.

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