
How Long Do IV Fluids Last in the Body?

When you receive IV drip therapy, essential fluids, vitamins, and minerals are delivered directly into your bloodstream, providing almost immediate relief from any symptoms that may be affecting you.

That said, many people aren’t sure how long IV fluids — and the results they offer — last once inside the body, leaving those considering the option unsure of what to expect. There’s no need to worry; Vital Flow Infusions is here to provide the answers you seek.

Factors That May Affect Your Results

Your body is unique, and that means the exact results you’ll experience and how long they last can depend on many factors. Nevertheless, there are certain factors that all IV drip therapy recipients should consider, which are as follows:

Hydration Levels

If you’re one of the 75% of people in the United States who are chronically dehydrated, you’ll typically feel the results of the IV fluids for a longer period. If you’re properly hydrated, the extra fluids will likely pass through your system quickly, but that doesn’t mean you won’t receive the same kinds of benefits and nutrients.


Your metabolic rate — the speed at which your body absorbs nutrients from foods and beverages — also comes into play, as it impacts how quickly excess water makes it through your system. People with faster metabolisms tend to absorb IV fluids more rapidly.


Perspiration also impacts how long the fluids last in your body. The simple, involuntary act of sweating can dehydrate you, so it’s understandable that if you’ve been sweating before you sit down for IV therapy, the fluids it provides will last longer in your body.

Overall Health

Lastly, your overall health level also plays a role in how long IV fluids can last in your body. Certain illnesses and metabolic conditions impact how quickly fluids pass through your system; if you take blood pressure medications or antidepressants, for example, your body may retain additional water.

Average Time Period for IV Fluids in the Body

It’s important to keep in mind that the fluids in the IV drips are just the medium for transporting those nutrients to where your body needs them most. With that said, IV therapy fluids won’t usually stay in the body for longer than a few hours, but the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that they provide can (and likely will) remain in your body for days, weeks, and even months.

Another common concern people have is whether they can have too many fluids. Although it is possible to receive too many IV fluids at once, it rarely occurs, and any major complications that arise often involve some form of an underlying medical condition.

Benefits of IV Drip Therapy

For those who are dealing with symptoms of illness or dehydration, the speed at which a remedy works is essential.

When you drink water and sports drinks that contain electrolytes, your digestive system gets involved, which means that the nutrients you want to benefit from aren’t as easily or quickly absorbed; you even lose some of the nutrients through the digestive process.

That isn’t an issue when you turn to IV hydration, though, as the fluids and nutrients are fed directly into your bloodstream, allowing for near-instant results. For people who lack certain nutrients that they can’t get from food, IV therapies represent an option that allows them to get what they need as quickly as possible.

The Process of Getting IV Therapy

If you’re looking to try IV therapy for the first time, your first step should be to contact us at Vital Flow Infusions. If you already know the kind of IV therapy you would like to have, you can simply let us know, but if not, we can offer recommendations based on the symptoms you’re experiencing or the goals you have in mind.

We always have a medical professional standing by to review your medical history, including your allergies, the medications you take, and anything else that might impact the therapy. In some instances, our medical director will have to review your information.

Once we approve your chosen treatment and appointment time, you can decide whether to come to our location or have us come to you. Whether you’re at home, at the office, or even at an event venue, one of our friendly nurses will come to you and guide you through the entire IV therapy process.

Feel Better With IV Drip Therapy in Sioux Falls

Our mobile IV therapy services in Sioux Falls offer people the chance to rehydrate and start feeling more like themselves again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our IV therapy packages.

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