
6 Reasons to Supplement Vitamin D in the Winter

It’s that time of year once again: The air is blustery and frigid, and both your mood and immunity are dropping off.

Indeed, the winter season can bring about bouts of seasonal depression and circulate all kinds of nasty viruses, but one vitamin can potentially protect you from all of these ailments and more — vitamin D — and Vital Flow Infusion’s various IV drip therapy options deliver direct doses of it to those who need it most during the colder months in Sioux Falls.

With that being said, here are six reasons why supplementing your vitamin D is so important during the holiday season and beyond:

1. You Don’t Catch Enough Rays

Sun exposure is incredibly important for human health (as long as you’re wearing proper clothing or sunscreen), as the sun is responsible for providing vitamin D to the body. Wintertime, however, diminishes the chances you have to receive that natural boost, as the sun is farther away, and that means you get fewer UV rays to boost your mood, mental clarity, and immune health.

Thankfully, you can supplement what you’re missing from the sun with our IV hydration therapy, fortified with plenty of vitamin D.

2. Your Immune System Is on Overload

As vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for immune health, it makes sense that in the winter, your immunity drops.

The problem, however, is only compounded by the fact that bacteria and viruses thrive in cold, wintery conditions. Human hosts with dry nasal passages provide the perfect homes for nasty illnesses, making illnesses so common during the season. The increased number of family gatherings and holiday parties during the end of the year doesn’t help matters when such illnesses are easily spread by close contact.

Supplementing your vitamin D levels through IV therapy in Sioux Falls can help your immune system immensely. You can make up for the relative lack of sunshine by delivering healthy doses of vitamin D right into your bloodstream, which will work hard to keep you well and help you enjoy all of the fun winter festivities.

3. Your Mood Worsens

Winter is a time that, despite the jolly exterior, is often full of stress given holiday planning. Combined with low sun exposure, wintertime festivities can actually work to worsen your mood, but vitamin D can help save your mental health during periods of these “winter blues.”

Vitamin D promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. When you get a healthy dose of it during these darker and colder days, you’ll gradually start to feel better. That boost in your spirits can be the difference between a stressful holiday season and one that is merry and bright.

4. You Eat Lots of Sugary Treats

Around the holidays, people tend to chow down on a lot of unhealthy snacks and desserts. Of course, that’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of, but if you find yourself gaining a few pounds each week during the winter, vitamin D may be able to help.

Some studies suggest that vitamin D may help with weight control because it has a slight appetite-suppressing effect. During the holiday season — which is generally filled with cookies, candies, and other calorie-dense foods — that can be extremely helpful.

Eating lots of sugar can also impact your hydration levels. Our IV hydration services can help you beat the holiday bloat and restore your sense of well-being after you eat too many treats. With plenty of electrolytes and other beneficial compounds, our IV hydration sessions are the perfect form of winter self-care!

5. You Need Restful Sleep

Vitamin D even provides a few sleep health benefits that ensure you get a peaceful night’s rest, and during the winter, that’s incredibly important. You’re often going from event to event and working a lot to prepare for holiday breaks, which means that now more than ever, your sleep is precious.

Supplementing vitamin D during the winter months may help you get more high-quality sleep, and by improving the quality of your rest, you’ll gather the energy you need to take on each winter day. Combined with its mood-enhancing benefits, vitamin D’s impact on your sleep can help transform your wintertime experience.

6. It’s Hard to Get Through Your Diet

Even if you eat as healthily as you possibly can all winter long, vitamin D can still be hard to come by during the season. Some foods and drinks are fortified with it, but it’s tough to get the recommended amount without enough sun and other food sources for it. As such, getting vitamin D through other means, like IV therapy, ensures that your levels are appropriate for optimal health, no matter what time of year it is.

Get Plenty of Vitamin D This Winter With Mobile IV Therapy

At Vital Flow Infusions, we help each of our clients get plenty of the vitamins and minerals they need to improve their well-being. Book our mobile IV therapy services today to supplement vitamin D throughout the winter from the comfort of your home!

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